Why We Dance!

Dance is a powerful form of expression and communication that allows us to connect with our inner world and express ourselves without using words. When we dance, we can unleash our emotions and let go of our thoughts, leading to a sense of freedom and liberation.

The history of dance culture

In many indigenous cultures, dance has been used for centuries as a means of spiritual connection and communication with spirits or nature. Through dancing, they can immerse themselves in a trance-like state, allowing them to connect with higher levels of consciousness and gain spiritual insights.

What Does Dance Do to Us?

Active dancing can also be considered a form of meditation as it prompts us to focus on the present moment and calm our minds. By concentrating on our movements and the rhythm of the music, we can let go of our thoughts and enter a state of inner peace.

Music, the medium of our subculture.

The world of music is constantly changing, and psychedelic music is a vivid example of this. With its pulsating rhythms and hypnotic melodies, it offers a unique artistic experience that blends tradition and innovation.

In a time characterized by diversity and change, music provides a space for experimentation and creative expression. It is a modern interpretation of ancient rituals, allowing the merging of tradition and innovation to create a new sonic landscape for the 21st century.

Music is not just an artistic experience, but also a cultural movement. It is a place of encounter and exchange, where people from different backgrounds and walks of life come together to celebrate and dance together.

The repetitive nature of the beats and the complex sound structures invite listeners to enter into a trance-like state and embark on an inner journey. In doing so, the music facilitates deep self-exploration and a connection with the collective consciousness.